History for Kids: Flag Day - June 14th


What is Flag Day?
In 1885, B.J. Cigrand, a schoolteacher in Wisconsin, arranged for students to observe the 108th anniversary of the official adoption of the stars and stripes. For the next 30 years, other local schools and communities followed suit. Finally, in 1916 President Woodrow Wilson officially established Flag Day as June 14th, through Proclamation of the President. Later, in 1949, President Truman signed an Act of Congress designating June 14th as Flag Day.

The Purpose:
Flag Day is a special day that is set aside for the purpose of "encouraging Americans to better understand patriotism and the need to express their allegiance to the flag."
The National Flag Day Foundation

Ideas for Celebrating with Young Children:
  • ~ Practice reciting the Pledge of Allegiance or singing the national Anthem.

  • ~ Take a walk around your neighborhood to look for flags.

  • ~ Read the children's book, "F is for Flag" by Wendy Cheyette- Lewison.

  • ~ Discuss ways we respect the flag, such as standing still, keeping our eyes on the flag & putting our hand over our heart during the National Anthem.
  • ~ Have the children create Stars and Stripes Collages by gluing red and white strips of paper and attaching star stickers onto a piece of blue paper, such as pictured here.

Source: www.flagday.org



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