Sweet Swirl Wrap



6 (8") whole wheat tortilla(s)
6 oz sliced low-sodium ham
6 oz sliced cheddar cheese
6 Tbsp honey mustard dressing
1/2 cup shredded carrot(s)
6 Tbsp raisins


1. Assemble wraps by placing tortillas on work surface. Top with ham and cheese.
2. Drizzle wrap with honey mustard.
3. Sprinkle each wrap with shredded carrot and raisins.
4. Roll tightly, cut in half, keeping opening side down on plate.

Yield: 12 wraps
Serving Size: 2 wraps provide 1 oz grain, 2 oz meat/ meat alternate for a 3-5 year old at lunch/supper.
Credit: Twist & Sprout Cookbook



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